Planetary Technologies

We aspire to leave the planet in better shape than we found it.

Current Technology Portfolio

The Planetary Technologies investment thesis is to identify technologies that will 1) enable improved engineering and manufacturing of materials that replace petrochemicals and reduce carbon emissions, 2) generate and distribute low-cost, carbon free energy, while 3) improving the operation of the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.

Cyclic Materials is supporting the energy transition through environmentally responsible recycling of rare earth elements (REEs) from magnets powering the modern world. Cyclic Materials recycles magnets from cars, wind turbines, disk drives, and MRI machines to reduce mining and enable reuse of valuable minerals, while providing resilience to international supply chains, “ensuring that today's waste is tomorrow's resource”.

Tandem PV is commercializing the most powerful, durable, and highest efficiency photovoltaic perovskite solar panel on the market. Tandem has demonstrated the equivalent of decades of durability in the lab, has demonstrated 26% efficient modules, and has a near-term target of surpassing 30%.

SunTrain seamlessly stores green energy from remote solar and wind farms within customized battery containers that are transported over existing railroad networks. This links generation sites and congested substation nodes, bypassing the conventional transmission system. SunTrain solves the problems of decades long transmission bottlenecks through a new means of green energy distribution: “Trainsmission®”.

Colorado Biofactory transforms agricultural waste into regenerative biological solutions with fungal mycelium. The company’s first product, THATCHzyme, is a sprayable turf treatment that reduces subsurface organic matter accumulation, improves plant health and root length, and consequently reduces maintenance costs and associated carbon emissions.

Industrial Microbes turns waste carbon into high value materials. iMicrobes has demonstrated methane and ethane gas fermentation to produce bioplastics, and is scaling up the manufacturing of materials using abundant bio-ethanol as a feedstock.

Parse Biosciences is expanding the boundaries of single cell science, fueled by a desire to help unlock the workings of biology. Parse sells kits that enable instrument-free conversion of RNA from 1000 to 1 million cells or nuclei into combinatorially-barcoded DNA libraries.

Lumen Bioscience has built a low-cost discovery and biomanufacturing platform mainly for developing new, orally delivered biogenic drugs against gastrointestinal (GI) targets that cause human disease. Lumen is also extending this technology to animal health and climate change, with a feed additive that targets methane-producing microorganisms in the rumen, a specialized compartment of the cow’s GI tract; this project that won the inaugural Wilke’s Climate Prize in 2023.

RoosterBio are experts in radically simplifying the use of adult human cells to propel the commercialization of therapeutic technologies. RoosterBio develops cells, growth media, and scalable manufacturing processes to enable therapies that improve human health.

Synthace sells software that enables digitization and automation of science at the lab bench that is transferable to scaled up manufacturing.

Arzeda is the premier enzyme and pathway design shop on Planet Earth, using an interntally-developed platform that combines physics-based protein design and AI to create entirely new designer proteins and enzymes more efficiently and with less risk. Arzeda’s first product is on store shelves now, quietly improving consumer’s lives and reducing waste, and the company has additional products under development that span materials, food, drugs, and consumer products.